Slideshare | Advantages Of Slow Growing Business
The prominent narratives about today’s startup culture are about those companies that are moving forward at an astronomical pace. The limelight concentrates on industry leaders who are constantly innovating and producing new cultural products that are implicitly intertwined with technological brilliance. This article is not about them. Slow growing businesses are people-centric. They concentrate on the resources they have and give importance to how to use those effectively for the long term. Slow growing business culture concentrates on long-term sustainability than on short-term profits. Here is why a slow-growing business strategy could be a good idea for your company.
There are many ways for making companies grow into megastructures that give sustenance to a lot of people. The needs of these companies change at a rapid pace and employees would always be playing catch up with what the work structure actually is. A slow growth company can be very specialised with members being asked to do only job portfolio’s they are good at. This would have a huge impact on the quality of output that comes from them. Contemplating on the pace at which your business grows, might actually be a very good idea.