HerBeforeMother: KredX Celebrates Mother’s Day 2024
In celebration of Mother’s Day, we’re thrilled to unveil a special feature that pays homage to the incredible women who shaped the lives of our KredX team members. From tales of resilience to acts of courage, each story is a testament to the unwavering strength and boundless love of mothers everywhere. Join us as we journey through the heartfelt introductions penned by KredXians, offering glimpses into the lives of these remarkable women who’ve left an indelible mark on their children’s hearts.
Radhika Menon Introduced By Krishnan Menon (Lioness)
“A former colleague of my mom once shared a fascinating insight with me. He said, “Radhika was known as the Lioness in our office. She’d come in everyday adorned with a sizable bindi and a flawlessly draped saree, commanding the workplace with an iron fist.” Yet, the mom I know couldn’t be more different. She wasn’t a lioness with us, at least not in the same sense, she was our confidant, our mentor, our protector and above all, our unwavering champion. She’s stood by me through my stumbles, heartaches, and even that regrettable first encounter with one too many beers (cue the less-than-pleasant tête-à-tête with the Lioness the morning after). Seeing her now, tending to her gardens or contemplating dinner options, or forcing you to drink tea, you’d never guess that once upon a time, she commanded such respect from the Kochi police. Nor would you believe she had been at the World Trade Center just a day before 9/11, or that Tech In Asia hailed her as the woman entrepreneur to watch in 2017. So, when tasked with capturing my mom in a few sentences, I found myself at a loss. Perhaps it’s easier if I share the most precious lesson she imparted to me: “Embrace your true self. Find joy in your own skin. And DO YOUR LAUNDRY!”
So thanks Ma, for being the coolest mother to me and all my friends. And for being the reason I am who I am today.
Seema Singh Introduced By Ananya Singh (Leader)
“I was 14 when my mother decided to stand for the Panchayat elections. I grew up in Bihar in a family which upheld traditional gender roles, and women and politics were not supposed to mix. Everyone was firmly against it, but my mother has never been afraid of uncharted territory. So she followed her heart, filed her nomination, campaigned with all her might, with me often by her side and WON. After seeing her dedication to her role in public life, my family came around, they saw that she was a born leader. She could command the attention of hundreds at meetings, she could defuse volatile situations and she was not afraid to step into hostile spaces as a public servant. Ambition and the desire for autonomy were not seen as positive traits in women where I grew up, but my mother taught me to cherish my independence and fight for it. Her journey from a homemaker to a respected public figure is a testament to the transformative power of courage and perseverance. Today, I stand proud of my mother’s achievements, knowing that her story has inspired many women who came after her.”
Punam Goyal Introduced By Meghna Gupta (Pioneer)
An epitome of perseverance and optimism. Very gentle and yet having a spine of steel. That’s my mother for me. She is an economics professor by profession who loves her hobbies as much as her subject. From fashion to food to relationships to politics to economy, our conversations, once they start, do not end for hours. She retired as the Head of Department after a career spanning 35 years! Looking back, I remember she used to always be busy; balancing her work with the utmost sincerity, making time for us and for her various interests. As a child, all of that seemed natural, as if this is how moms are supposed to be! It is only now that I realise how incredible she was then, and is now. She wanted to excel at her work and not just with words but with achievement, yet she did not want to lose herself in the process. First working woman in her family who had no compelling need to earn money, just a dream to live a life of purpose and meaning. Thank you mom for being my friend, my confidante and my inspiration!