7 Books You Must Read To Get Rich This Year
We have completed half of this year and it seems to be a successful year thus far. To help you keep this prosperity going we’ve shortlisted seven books from the world of finance. In fact a recent study revealed that 88% of rich people spend at least thirty minutes everyday reading to improve their knowledge! We hope our list of classics and new releases will help you stay on top of your finances this year!
- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
An old but classic personal finance and self-improvement book that the wealthy swears by! Though written in the Great Depression era, this book still holds true today. This book is a condensed version of what the author learnt interviewing the wealthy on how they became rich and successful. Think and Grow Rich gives anybody looking to financially and personally improve themselves concise principles with examples and short stories that makes for an impactful read.
- The Little Book of Common Sense Investing:The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock by John C. Bogle
This book teaches you everything you need to know about investing in stocks and its winning investment strategies. In Warren Buffet’s words, “There are a few investment managers, of course, who are very good – though in the short run, it’s difficult to determine whether a great record is due to luck or talent. Most advisers, however, are far better at generating high fees than they are at generating high returns. In truth, their core competence is salesmanship. Rather than listen to their siren songs, investors – large and small – should instead read Jack Bogle’s The Little Book of Common Sense Investing.” Need we say more?
- Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
This bestselling personal finance book will challenge everything you’ve learnt about money so far. In a nutshell, Kiyosaki, a successful businessman himself talks about the differences in attitudes towards work and life between the rich and the poor. This book is an absolute must-read for anyone looking to invest and succeeding in life.
- The Elements of Investing: Easy Lesson for Every Investor by Burton Malkiel and Charles D. Ellis
Two of the world’s best financial thinkers, Malkiel and Ellis, come together to tell everything you need to know about different markets and investment under different economic conditions. This is a practical guide of all the investment rules with clear instructions on how to follow them to ‘win’ at investments right till retirement.
- The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
Finance coach, Dave Ramsey’s book is a must-have for DIY investors. Ramsey debunks popular financial myths while offering straightforward advice. This book gives you all the financial wisdom you need in a concise and compelling manner.
- I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi
This book is a six-week financial program to financial independence is specially designed for 25-35 year old. I Will Teach You to Be Rich focuses on the concepts of banking, saving, budgeting and investing for young investors. Here is a financial writer whose writing is smart, quick witted and to the point without any unnecessary marketing gimmicks.
- The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
This short book makes for a refreshing read for anybody wanting to learn about the world of finance but find it daunting. George Clason imparts financial wisdom through parables as narrated by the protagonist, Arkad, who is the richest man in Babylon. Though the book was first published in 1926, the wealth of information in it is timeless.
And that’s a wrap! We hope that this list of finance books will get you through 2017 on a positive note. We would love to know which book you plan to start with in the comments section below!